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Monthly Archives: November 2020

  1. What Every Parent Should Know About the Flu Vaccine?

    What Every Parent Should Know About the Flu Vaccine?

    Children don’t seem to suffer from flu in the same way adults do but they are much more likely to catch and spread influenza.  They will have large volumes of the virus in their nasal secretions which carry on shedding for days after infection. They also have poorer hygiene practices tending to cough and sneeze over those nearest to them and regularly huddling together with their friends in a way that adults don’t tend to do, making them more susceptible. The influenza vaccine can protect your children and the rest of your family. If you are looking for a flu shot or the flu vaccination in Earlsfield then contact Pearl Chemist Group for all your winter flu needs.

    Key facts about the Flu Shots for Babies and Teenagers

    The flu vaccine used only to be offered to the over 65s and those wer

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  2. How to Prevent Yourself from Getting the Flu Again?

    How to Prevent Yourself from Getting the Flu Again?

    With all the focus on Covid-19, it is easy to overlook seasonal flu although the government is encouraging everyone to have a flu vaccination this year and has extended the free vaccine on the NHS to those aged between 50 and 64.  Coronavirus and flu could be quite a potent cocktail and so it has never been more important to make sure you have an annual flu shot. If you are looking for a flu vaccination in Earlsfield then visit Pearl Chemist Group. We offer the latest flu vaccine which is available to everyone so there’s no reason to wait.

    The reason why the flu vaccine is annual is because every year, the strain of the flu virus can differ. New flu vaccines are released every year to keep up with viruses that are constantly evolving. When you get vaccinated, your immune system produces antibodies to protect you from the viruses included in the vaccine. But the virus changes y

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  3. How Does Emergency Contraception Work?

    How Does Emergency Contraception Work?

    Emergency contraception is contraception which is implemented after sexual intercourse has taken place where there is either a risk or a certainty that contraception has failed or the sex was totally unprotected and no contraception was used at all. If you are looking for a emergency contraception service, then contact Pearl Chemist Group for morning after pills which really work.

    How Does Emergency Contraception Work?

    Emergency contraception is sometimes called the morning after pill and morning after pills work in a similar way to the method in which birth control pills workThe pills work by stopping or delaying the female ovary from releasing an egg.  It might also stop the sperm from reaching an egg that has already been released.  However, if the sperm has already fertilised the egg, it is too late and the

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  4. The Effects of Passive Smoking

    The Effects of Passive Smoking

    There is an increasing body of evidence to suggest that passive smoking can increase the risk of nasal sinus cancer, throat cancer, larynx cancer and breast cancer. It is also implicated in long and short-term respiratory problems and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease- all issues that are manifesting in people who don’t actually smoke. If you are a smoker or live with someone who smokes, then you can stop smoking immediately with the support of our free stop smoking clinic in Streatham or visit our stop smoking services in Mitcham both of which have helped hundreds of people on their way to a smoke-free and healthier life.

    What is Passive Smoking?

    When you smoke a cigarette, pipe or cigar, most of the smoke doesn’t go into your lungs, it goes into the air around you where anyone else can breathe it in.  Secondhand smoke refers to the exhaled smoke plus the ‘sidestream’ smoke created by the lit end of a cigarette.

    Passive smoking

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  5. A Guide on How to Take Contraceptive Pills?

    A Guide on How to Take Contraceptive Pills?

    Contraceptive pills for women are one of the most reliable and best methods of birth control. Even if you are not on the pill and are using other forms of contraception, you can also use the emergency contraceptive pill if you have an incident where you think you may have had unprotected sex. Emergency contraception is available from many high street chemists like Boots or you can contact Pearl Chemist Group for information about our emergency contraception service.

    The combined oral contraceptive pill is often just called ‘the pill’. It contains an artificial version of the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone which are also naturally produced in the ovaries.

    The usual way to take the pill is to take one tablet every day for 21 days then stop for 7 days during which time you will bleed which constitutes your period. After 7 days, you resume the pill again and

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