What Happens If Earwax Accumulates in The Ear Canal

Excessive ear wax is a common problem that affects people of all ages. Earwax can cause problems if it accumulates in the ear canal and becomes blocked. Though not serious in nature, it can cause irritating problems such as muffled hearing, dizziness and earaches.

While you can deal with ear wax buildup on your own, it’s best to see your GP or a hearing specialist for ear wax removal treatment. If you find yourself removing earwax at home using a bobby pin or Q-Tip, you run the risk of pushing the ear wax further into the ear canal or damaging your ear drum, thus causing more problems.

The most common methods of ear wax removal are ear syringing (aka ear irrigation) and ear microsuction.  However, the safest way to remove excessive ear wax is to visit Pearl Chemist Group for ear wax removal in Tooting or at any of our other branches in Wimbledon, Morden, or Tolworth. We use ear microsuction to dislodge and gently suck out the earwax without causing any pain.

What are the Symptoms of Earwax Buildup?

You may be experiencing earwax buildup and blockage if you are experiencing:

·Hearing loss.


·A feeling of blocked ears.

·Tinnitus or the buzzing or ringing in your ears.


If you have any of these symptoms, contact our specialists for ear wax removal in Streatham or any of our Pearl Chemist Group branches across South London.

Ear Wax Removal in Streatham at Pearl Chemist Group Pharmacy

While ear syringing is also effective, constant use of solution to flush out the wax can make you temporarily dizzy during and after the procedure. The ear microsuction, on the other hand, is safe and allows the ear wax blockage to be safely removed using mild suction device.

Ear Microsuction

The microsuction method is usually used when other ear wax remover treatments have failed, or when individuals have excess wax build-up that has hardened and is too large for other ear wax removal methods to work. The micro-suction ear cleaning procedure only takes only 15 minutes and can safely remove any excess build-up of ear wax.

At Pearl Chemist Group, we provide safe and effective methods of removing ear wax buildup. Schedule your appointment online when you click here.

You can also visit any of our local Pearl Chemist Group branches and learn more about ear microsuction. Our friendly team will help understand how the procedure works and whether it is right for you.