The Best Way to Prevent Colds in Children

Want to reduce the odds that your child will get a cold or the flu this season? Keep germs away with two big weapons: a flu vaccine and good hygiene.

With some simple good hygiene habits in place and a flu jab before starting school, you can greatly reduce the risk of your child getting sick this season. Keep reading to find out the best ways to prevent colds in children.

Good Hygiene Tips for Children to prevent seasonal colds and flu:


The easiest way your child can avoid catching that pesky cold or fly that’s going around is to teach regular handwashing, especially before eating meals.

Sneeze into something

Also, teach your child to sneeze or cough into something like his bent elbow or a tissue instead of his hands. That will prevent him from spreading germs onto every surface he touches.

Use hand sanitiser

Always keep hand sanitiser within easy reach and put a bottle in your child’s school backpack.

Positive Reinforcement

Encourage good hygiene with sticker charts or rewards. Actively notice and compliment good hygiene habits – for example, ‘Wow, I noticed you didn't put your washed before you sat down for dinner, good job.'

Flu Jabs for Children

The second, and most important, way to keep germs at bay is by having your child get a flu vaccine. Babies 6 months of age and higher can get the flu jab. Children should get the flu vaccine during each autumn before the height of the flu season and before starting school. Vaccinating your child helps protect them against infection with the flu virus and reduces the spread of infection to other children and adults.

Treatments for Cold and Flu

Even though the common cold and flu can’t be cured, that doesn’t mean your child has to suffer from the miserable symptoms until their body fights off the virus.

Your child can benefit from taking OTC Cold, Flu, and Cough medicines if they are suffering from:

● Aches and pain

● Sore throat

● Fever

● Coughs

● Congestion

● Runny Nose

Most medications like Cold, Cough & Flu Syrups and Cold and Flu powders treat multiple symptoms. Make sure to identify the symptoms your child is experiencing, so you choose the right cold or flu medicinesto treat their particular symptoms.

Pearl Chemist Group has a vast array of cold and flu medicines that can be purchased in-store or online. We also offer the flu vaccine, book your appointment online today.