The Causes and Treatment for Comedogenic Acne

If you are prone to oily skin and breakouts, you’ve most likely experienced a skin condition known as comedogenic acne. This skin condition is typically a mild form of acne that can easily be treated with high-quality over-the-counter products and simple home remedies.

Keep reading to learn more about the causes of Comedogenic acne and how to treat it.

What Is Comedogenic Acne?

Comedogenic acne (pimples)are blocked pores that generally show up on the forehead or chin.The pores are usually plugged with dead skin cells, dirt, or oil. Blackheads and whiteheads are the most common types of comedogenic acne.

Causes of Comedogenic Acne

Comedogenic acne is caused when the skin’s sebaceous ducts are blocked due to the build-up of sebum, dirt, and debris. Anyone can get Comedogenic acne at any point in time, yet certain factors increase the risk, such as:

· Dairy consumption.

· A diet with high glycaemicfoods

· Consuming foods high in fat and sugar

· Overhydration from humid conditions or from excessive use of moisturizers.

· Smoking

· Excessive use of oily skincare products, makeup, and hair pomades

· Genetics

Over-The Counter Skincare AcneTreatment

The top brand names for skincare such as L’Oréal, Nivea, and others offer a wide variety of skincare products to treat acne including face washes, creams, serums, masks, and gels. You can easily buy acne spot treatments can be purchased from stores, pharmacies, and online for all skin types and complexions.

The most common ingredients used for safely and effectively treating acne are:

· Benzoyl Peroxide

· Azelaic Acid

· Salicylic acid

· Sulphur

· Retinoids

Oral Medications

Topical medicines are good for the initial acne treatment of mild cases. However, depending on your needs, for more severe cases your dermatologist may also prescribe oral medications such as:

· Accutane or Isotretinoin

· Contraceptives or birth control pills

· Antibiotics

· Spironolactone

Home Remedies

You can also treat mild cases of acne outbreaks at home by trying a few home remedies using:

· Tea Tree Oil

· Witch Hazel

· Charcoal and Clay Mask

· Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water

Surgical Procedures

If both oral medications and topical treatments fail to improve your acne, surgical procedures can be of benefit to you. Some of these procedures include:

· Pimple Extraction

· Microdermabrasion

· Electrosurgery