What to Do if Bitten by a Dog While Travelling?

Rabies is a deadly virus transmitted through bites or scratches from infected animals, usually dogs. These bites can be serious if the dog is rabid.

Fortunately, rabies is preventable with prompt medical care and a rabies vaccination. Hence, getting vaccinated is essential before travelling to areas where rabies is common.

The safety of vaccination and knowing what to do if bitten can keep you safe. In this blog, we’ll cover rabies symptoms, immediate steps to take after a bite, and why vaccination is important.

What Are the Symptoms of Rabies?

Rabies symptoms typically appear 3 to 12 weeks after exposure, but they can show up in just a few days or even after several months or years. Here are some main  symptoms to watch for-

1.    Numbness or tingling at the bite or scratch site

2.    Seeing things that aren’t there (hallucinations)

3.    Feeling very anxious or hyperactive

4.    Difficulty swallowing or breathing

5.    Paralysis (inability to move)

It is essential to remember that once symptoms appear, rabies is almost always fatal. Immediate action is needed if you suspect you have been exposed to the virus.

What are the Immediate Steps You Can Take After a Dog Bite?

If you are bitten by a dog while travelling, follow these steps immediately to minimise the risk of infection-
1.    Clean the Wound- Wash the bite or scratch thoroughly with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. This helps to remove any saliva and reduce the risk of infection.

2.    Disinfect- Apply an antiseptic solution such as iodine or alcohol to the wound to further reduce the risk of infection.

3.    Control Bleeding- If the wound is bleeding heavily, apply pressure with a clean cloth or bandage until the bleeding stops.

4.    Seek Medical Attention- Visit a healthcare provider as soon as possible. They can assess the wound, provide further cleaning, and administer a tetanus jab if needed.

5.    Report the Incident- Inform local authorities about the dog bite. They may need to investigate to prevent further incidents and check the dog for rabies.

6.    Get Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)- If there is a risk of rabies, start the rabies vaccination series immediately. PEP is highly effective in preventing rabies if administered promptly.

Why is Rabies Vaccination Important?

Rabies is a serious and often fatal disease. It’s prevention is crucial, especially for travellers. Vaccination against rabies plays a vital role in protecting your health in several ways. Here’s why getting vaccinated is important-

1.    Protection Before Exposure- Getting vaccinated before travelling to areas where rabies is common provides a safety net. If you are bitten, the vaccination can help your body respond more effectively.

2.    Post-Exposure Protection- If you have not been vaccinated and are bitten by a potentially rabid animal, a series of rabies vaccines can prevent the onset of symptoms.

3.    Peace of Mind- Knowing you are vaccinated allows you to travel with greater peace of mind, knowing you are protected against this deadly disease.

Which is the Best Travel Clinic Near Me?

When it comes to travel vaccinations, including the rabies vaccine, Pearl Chemist Group is a reliable option. As a renowned pharmacy in the UK, we offer comprehensive travel health services at our various locations.

1.    Availability- We provide the rabies vaccine, ensuring you are protected before and after your travels.

2.    Convenient Locations- With multiple clinics across the UK, finding a Pearl Chemist Group location near you is easy.

3.    Expert Advice- Our healthcare professionals are experienced in travel medicine and can provide you with the necessary vaccinations and advice to keep you safe during your travels.

Protect Yourself Against Rabies with Pearl Chemist Group

Knowing about rabies risks and what to do if bitten by a dog makes your trip safer and more enjoyable.

Getting a rabies vaccination from Pearl Chemist Group can protect your health while you explore the world.

Book an appointment with us and visit our travel clinics in different locations across South London including- Tolworth, Streatham, Tooting, Wandsworth, and Wimbledon.