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stop smoking aids

  1. What Are the Best Stop Smoking Aids Available

    What Are the Best Stop Smoking Aids Available?

    Deciding to quit smoking is one of the best decisions you can make for your health, but it’s not always an easy journey. Smoking is more than just a habit—it's an addiction that affects both your body and mind.

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  2. Healthy Habits to Replace Smoking

    Healthy Habits to Replace Smoking

    Making the decision to stop smoking is a great step forward. But there’s no doubt that the journey to quitting cigarettes can be very challenging. Now that you’ve stopped smoking, you need to replace smoking with healthy new habits to improve your chances of quitting smoking for good.

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  3. How many cigarettes a day is safe

    How many cigarettes a day is safe?

    That might be the question on your mind as you take another puff while breaking your vow never to touch one again. On the surface, it seems innocuous enough.

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  4. Foods That Can Help Reduce the Smoking Cravings

    Foods That Can Help Reduce the Smoking Cravings

    Smoking is one of the toughest habits to break, but with the right tools and methods to help you through the cravings – you can kick the habit once and for all! Foods and snacks like mints, chewing gum as well as fruits and vegetables can help reduce cravings while others, like caffeine or alcohol, can trigger cravings for a cigarette.

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  5. The Connection Between Smoking and Mental Health Understanding the Link

    The Connection Between Smoking and Mental Health: Understanding the Link

    The nicotine in cigarettes is addictive. Smoking has been a known cause of severe various health risks, yet smokers continue to smoke and rarely care about the adverse effects that smoking contributes to their bodies.


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  6. The Impact of Smoking On The Lungs

    The Impact of Smoking On The Lungs

    Did you know that in the UK roughly 85% of all lung cancer cases are caused by smoking tobacco cigarettes? Smoking can cause long-term negative effects on the lungs including lung cancer, emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and more.

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  7. Stop Smoking Seven Tested Ways to Resist Tobacco Cravings

    Stop Smoking: Seven Tested Ways to Resist Tobacco Cravings

    For most people who smoke cigarettes, smoking urges can be so strong that quitting may seem impossible. But, with willpower and determination (and a good plan in place), you can resist tobacco cravings and stop smoking for good.

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