sore throat treatment for adults

Everyone's familiar with that scratchy, itchy, painful-to-swallow feeling we know as a sore throat that usually accompanies a cold or the flu of Covid-19. 

Whether you're suffering through a cold or fighting seasonal allergies or need a sore throat treatment if you have Covid-19, there are many time-tested treatments using natural ingredients that can be helpful for sorethroat treatments at home.

The best part? You probably have natural and home remedy sore throat treatments in your kitchen already to save you a trip to the drugstore.

Read more to discover the 12 Best Natural Remedies for treating sore throats. These tricks and tips may have you feeling better in no time!

12 Natural Remedies for Sore Throat

1. Honey

Honey works great at relieving sore throats, not only does it give the throat a protective coating, it also has antibacterial properties

Using this natural sore throat treatment during pregnancy is a safe and effective way to treat a common sore throat.

2. Frozen Foods

Anything that’s frozen — ice itself, popsicles, frozen yogurt — numbs the tissue and nerves and reduces pain. This is the perfect option for sore throat treatment for kids. It’s an easy way to relieve their pain without having to convince them to take medicine.

3. Teas

Warm drinks, such as tea, can be soothing for the throat. Herbal teas in particular, including marshmallow root, Ginger, sage, thyme, chamomile, licorice root, and elm inner bark.

4. Saltwater Gargle

A saltwater gargle helps with swelling and keeping the mouth clean. It’s totally safe (and easy on the wallet) to try several times a day while you’re in pain.

5. Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is an all-time favourite sore throat treatment for adults and kids. It’s comforting and soothing warm broth reduces inflammation and pain in the throat.

6. Warm Broth

Sipping on warm soup stock of any kind will help soothe a dry throat while also giving you a bit of nourishment between meals.

7. Potato Poultice

Boil potatoes and mash them, carefully wrap them in a cloth while they’re hot, then cover with a second cloth. Apply to your neck and leave for a few hours. It works like a heating pad, stimulating circulation to the area.

8. Garlic

Try adding an extra amount of garlic to your food when you have a sore throat. The allicin in garlic has antimicrobial properties that can reduce sore throat discomfort.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Diluting this potent pantry staple in water and gargling can reduce swelling and other pain for his patients. Keep it to one tablespoon or less and mix it into a cup of warm water.

10. Supplements

Try using zinc or elderberry supplements to reduce both the severity and duration of a sore throat.

11. Vicks VapoRub

When rubbed on the chest, neck, or back, the traditional camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus ointment can temporarily relieve discomfort and help you breathe easier. Plus, this sore throat treatment medicine can be used on kids so it’s one less medication for them to take.

12. Humidifier

Dry air can exacerbate throat irritation, but a humidifier adds moisture to the air, making you feel more comfortable.

Visit Pearl Chemist Group online or in-store to explore a wide range of sore throat treatments in the UK. You can find our branches throughout the greater London area.