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Monthly Archives: February 2023

  1. How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night

    How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night?

    Sleepless nights while caring for your baby are an inevitable part of parenthood, as all newborns go through phases that demand round-the-clock attention. But if your paediatrician says your baby is at the age and development stage capable of sleeping through the night and you’re still up constantly, these techniques and soothing baby products might help.


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  2. Best Health Supplements Available In The UK

    What Are The Best Health Supplements Available In The UK?

    As the debate about whether we actually need dietary supplements rumbles on – it is widely accepted that taking health supplements can be beneficial to your health by improving vitamin deficiencies. You will get the most benefits from taking health supplements if you take them in tandem with following a balanced diet and lead an active and healthy life.

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  3. Who Can Benefit from Ear Wax Removal

    Who Can Benefit from Ear Wax Removal?

    Earwax build-up can cause pain and discomfort and, in severe cases, cause temporary hearing loss. That is why Pearl Chemist Group provides the best and safest ear wax removal method called Ear Microsuction.

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  4. The Causes and Treatment for Comedogenic Acne

    The Causes and Treatment for Comedogenic Acne

    If you are prone to oily skin and breakouts, you’ve most likely experienced a skin condition known as comedogenic acne. This skin condition is typically a mild form of acne that can easily be treated with high-quality over-the-counter products and simple home remedies.

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  5. How Do Sexual Health Services Help Improve Your Sex Life

    How Do Sexual Health Services Help Improve Your Sex Life?

    The benefits of visiting a sexual health clinic far outweigh any negatives. There is a lingering stigma about visiting a sexual health clinic in the UK that may prevent some people from availing of the services of a sexual health and wellness clinic.

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  6. Tips to Combat a Headache

    Tips to Combat a Headache

    Headaches happen. We’ve all experienced and survived them, but they aren’t pleasant at all. They can be dull and pass quickly, or for the unfortunate few headaches can be chronic and debilitating.

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  7. How Does the Flu Affect the Body's Immune System

    How Does the Flu Affect the Body's Immune System?

    When the seasonal flu started making its way around there is usually an onslaught of sore throats, coughs, and sniffles – and getting the flu may feel unavoidable. The question is, does constant exposure to everyday infections such as colds or the flu weaken or make the immune system stronger?

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  8. The Best Way to Prevent Colds in Children

    The Best Way to Prevent Colds in Children

    With some simple good hygiene habits in place and a flu jab before starting school, you can greatly reduce the risk of your child getting sick this season. Keep reading to find out the best ways to prevent colds in children.

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  9. Headache Due to Allergies

    Headache Due to Allergies? Here's How to Treat Them.

    When you think of the usual list of allergy symptoms, a runny nose and sneezing, or possibly itchy eyes and hives are probably what comes to your mind first. These are definitely themost common allergy symptoms, but there are others too. Many allergy sufferers also experience sinus headaches and migraines because of allergies.

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  10. Why is Flu Vaccine Important for Seniors Over 65

    Why is Flu Vaccine Important for Seniors Over 65?

    There’s one thing we can count on, it’s that Flu season comes every year at around the same time. While it’s recommended that all people get the flu jab to help prevent getting the flu, older adults, and seniors in particular need to be especially careful. People who are 65 and older have a higher risk of developing serious complications from the influenza virus, commonly known as the flu, compared to younger adults.

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