6 Weight Loss Strategies After 50

Managing your weight after age 50 is a struggle for many people, and for a variety of reasons. First of all, your metabolism drops noticeably after age 50, and makes it harder to keep weight off even if your lifestyle doesn’t change much. Normally hormonal changes also occur after 50, compounding the problem. Here are a few tips for weight loss after age 50.

  • Don’t eat out as much: As difficult (and sometimes impractical) as it can be, avoiding fast food is a key component to losing and keeping weight off. Meal-planning is important. Make a list of items you’ll need for the week, and stick to it.
  • Exercise more: Getting out and being active is also a key component to weight loss after 50. Strength training in particular can help you lose weight. Try and get a partner to go with you when exercising, as it makes it more enjoyable, and having someone with you as encouragement makes it more likely you’ll stick with it. Even small things, like taking a five minute walk every hour, will help with weight loss. Get a pedometer to help measure your distance.
  • Don’t skip meals: As counterintuitive as it may be, skipping meals increases the likelihood of weight gain. Primarily, it decreases your metabolism, making it more likely that you’ll gain weight with future meals. Not to mention that you’ll just be hungrier later in the day after a skipped meal and much more likely to indulge in unhealthy foods or bigger portions. It’s not necessary to eat only three meals a day, but whatever your preference is, stick to it.
  • Get enough sleep: A lack of sleep is a common complaint among those over 50. While it can be difficult, especially for those with underlying conditions, getting enough sleep at night is a key component of weight loss. Hormones released during sleep help regulate your appetite during the day, and a lack of those hormones causes your body to conflate fatigue with hunger, thus driving you to eat more. 7-8 hours is a general rule, though some people may need more. Do what feels right by your body when it comes to sleep, but stick with a sleep schedule that leaves you feeling rested.
  • Eat more whole foods: As mentioned above, writing up a grocery list that includes whole foods and protein will help with weight loss.
  • Age does affect weight loss: And again, weight loss can be difficult for those over 50 owing it to hormonal and metabolic changes. Don’t expect to be able to exercise as hard as you did when you were younger.