Common Ear Problems That Can Be Treated with Ear Microsuction

Our ears play one vital role so that we can function well, but sometimes we overlook the importance of our ears. Despite many individuals suffering from various ear problems, some choose to ignore them to the point that it can cause even more discomfort and affect their quality of life.

We are fortunate with the latest medical technologies because there are procedures that are highly effective and minimally invasive. It is known as ear microsuction, which can address a wide range of ear-related issues.

Most Common Ear Problems

Let us take a closer look at the most common ear problems that can be treated with ear microsuction:

Ear Wax Build-up

The ear wax or cerumen is a natural substance that our ears produce to protect them from dirt, dust, and other foreign particles.

Unfortunately, there can be excessive wax production; also, when cleaning is not done correctly, it can lead to a build-up and cause hearing loss and earache.

Blocked Eustachian Tubes

These tubes connect the middle ear to the back of the throat, helping in equalising pressure and draining fluid. Sometimes, these tubes become blocked due to allergies, colds, or sinus infections.

Muffled hearing, ear pain and feeling of ear fullness are the symptoms that are usually experienced.

Outer Ear Infections

Also known as the swimmer’s ear, that occurs when water or moisture gets trapped in the ear canal that can be a breeding ground for bacteria. The symptoms are ear pain, redness, discharge and itchiness.


This is usually described as hearing sounds like buzzing, ringing, and whistling, even without external sources. This can hugely impact a person’s daily life and activities, which can cause distress and difficulty concentrating.

Unlocking Clear Hearing Through Ear Microsuction

All of the mentioned ear problems above are effectively treated with ear microsuction. This is a generally safe and gentle procedure.

So, whether you reside in Wimbledon, Morden, Merton, Banstead, or Tolworth, ear microsuction offers a convenient and accessible solution to address common ear issues.

The best way is to consult a healthcare professional from Pearl Chemist Group specialising in ear microsuction. They can assess your condition, provide professional advice and perform precise procedures. Do not let ear problems hold you back; book an appointment your ear microsuction procedure now.