Benefits of and Concerns Regarding Rapid Antigen Tests

It has been over a year since the Covid-19 pandemic started and most countries have now instituted some form of management by testing. There are essentially three main types of tests that are currently in use.

3 Main Covid Tests and Their Function
The PCR test  is the “gold standard” that is used for travel

The Lateral flow test (LFW), which is also called the Rapid Antigen Test, is more often used in a work scenario where daily or frequent tests are required or if one has any symptoms

The antibody/serology test is used to determine if the patient has immunity to Covid-19.

When Should I Get the Rapid Antigen Test?
Lateral Flow tests are now recommended as a matter of course in order to control the spread of coronavirus.  If you are looking for Rapid Antigen Swab Testing in London or Morden, you can visit our website for more information.

About 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not have symptoms but can still infect others. The NHS recommends that you should do a rapid test twice per week. If people test positive and self isolate, it will help stop the spread of the virus. The Rapid Antigen Test (LFW) is the test that is recommended for people without any symptoms.

What are the Advantages of the Rapid Antigen Test?

  • It can be done at home and administered by you with testing kits
  • Results are easy to read in about 30 minutes
  • Helps stop the spread of coronavirus

Are there any concerns regarding the Rapid Antigen Test for Covid?  There have been some concerns about false positives, however, if one does have a positive LFW test, it is recommended that a PCR test is taken afterwards. In the event that a false positive is achieved, it can be cleared up rather quickly, and it is a small price to pay to control the spread of the Covid virus. The lateral flow rapid antigen test is still the most effective tool we have at the moment in order to prevent the spread of the virus where a person would not yet have symptoms or where they would be a carrier of the virus but be asymptomatic (without symptoms). The rapid antigen test accuracy is most certainly lower than the PCR test, but it is most certainly fit for the purpose for which it has been allocated.

To book or order Antigen Swab tests in the UK, visit our website.