Can High Blood Pressure Cause Migraines

High Blood Pressure (HBP) can certainly trigger migraines in some people, especially those who already have a history of getting migraine attacks. In fact, studies have shown that HBP can be a significant contributor for migraine headaches because it puts excessive strain on the brain to circulate blood as is needed normally.
In most cases of HBP, simple lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet, exercising, and reducing stress can help to lower blood pressure. If you want to reduce the risk of triggering miserable migraine headaches, then work on getting blood pressure down to a healthy level.
For people who suffer from migraines frequently, avoiding triggers is an integral piece of the puzzle for preventing a migraine attack.
In this article we'll discuss how high blood pressure can cause migraine headaches and how to manage them.

What Do We Know About High Blood Pressure And Migraines?

HBP (aka hypertension), is when your systolic (upper number) and diastolic (lower number) blood pressures readings are consistently above healthy levels (over 120/80). HBP and high cholesterol are linked. High cholesterol levels cause your arteries to become clogged and narrow. As a result, your heart must work much harder and strain to pump blood through them and this raises blood pressure.
Poor diet, lack of daily activity, age, and genetics are the most common causes of high blood pressure. HBD itself isn't considered a disease but having it does certainly increase the risk of many other conditions such as heart disease and stroke.

How Does HBP Relate To Migraines?

Common symptoms of elevated blood pressure can include severe headache, a throbbing sensation in the head, nausea, and yes…..even migraines. While HBP may not 100% cause migraines, they can trigger a migraine attack in some people.
The brain also has to work harder than usual to pump blood for cerebral circulation if you have high cholesterol and high blood pressure. This increased workload on the brain can cause a headache or migraines as well as alter normal activity within the brain.

Migraine Treatment

Over the counter (OTC) migraine pain relief tablets are the most common types of treatment used to ease symptoms of a migraine headache.
The most common and effective over the counter medications are:
• Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
• Naproxen (Aleve)
• Aspirin
• Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
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Pearl Chemist Group provides the best OTC migraine medications in stock. You can visit your nearest Pearl Chemist Groupbranchto shop for migraine pain medicine or shop online and have the medicines delivered securely to your door.