Does Walking Burn Belly Fat

Walking is one of the healthiest and safest forms of exercise, and it can also be one of the most enjoyable. Not only can you burn calories and strengthen your body, but it can also give you time to catch up with friends on a walk together, get you outside for a de-stress walk in nature. It’s far less likely to cause injury when combined with stretching before and after the walk.

Walking can absolutely help you lose weight when it’s combined with a healthy diet, but the question is….does walking burn belly fat? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to answer for you in this article.

Does Walking Burn Belly Fat?

Walking as a form of exercise has many benefits for your overall physical and mental well-being. It can also reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such certain cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

The truth is, any type of exercise – walking, swimming, running, etc. – can be beneficial for weight loss because they burn calories. And when you burn calories and create a calorie deficit (burning more calories than you are consuming), this results in body fat loss.

But does walking burn belly fat? The short answer yes. However, there are some other considerations to keep in mind.

First of all, it’s not possible to spot reduce body fat – especially stubborn belly fat. In other words, if you want to lose belly fat, there is no one quick fix to lose weight just on your belly - no matter how many hours of cardio you do.

When you exercise regularly and eat a nutritious low-calorie diet, you will start losing body fat. However, fat loss will start to occur uniformly throughout your body including your thighs, buttocks, upper arms, face, and your belly.

So, you don’t get discouraged on your weight loss journey, it’s important to remember that any weight loss from walking won’t come just from your belly. But the good news is that, as you continue to lose weight from walking, eventually the belly fat will disappear – so be patient, it will just take persistence and dedication.

NHS Weight Loss Management in Earlsfield

At each of our Pearl Chemist Group branches, we offer private weight loss programme as well as dedicated NHS services. By losing the excessive weight and reducing your BMI subsequently, you can prevent problems like stroke, heart attack, joint pain, and diabetes.

At Pearl Chemist Group, we understand that it’s not easy to lose weight, especially when you do it alone. You can get the support you need for weight loss management through our privately offered service to be successful on your journey to a healthier you!

Drop in at your nearest branchor get in touch to learn more about our weight loss management in Merton or any of our other South London branches.

Professional Weight Management Services at Pearl Chemist Group

Programmes for adult weight loss management in London are available through Pearl Chemist Group. We offer the support you need for weight loss management in Banstead, Earlsfield, Merton, Morden, and Streatham.

Click here to book an appointment with us.