How Long Does an Ear Microsuction Procedure Take

If you’re dealing with excessive earwax build up, it’s important to visit an ear specialist at Pearl Chemist Group for professional ear wax removal as soon as possible. If not, it may eventually lead to a more serious condition like hearing loss, tinnitus, and pressure or a painful earache.

Ear microsuction (aka ear vacuuming) is the preferred method for ear wax removal by most ear specialists. At Pearl Chemist Group, we offer professional ear wax removal in Banstead as well as our other South London branches that service the areas of Epsom, Earlsfield, Morden, and Tolworth.

In this article, we’re going to break down all the details you need to know about ear microsuction including how it works, how long the procedure takes, how much it costs, and more. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Ear Microsuction?

Healthcare providers and ear specialists consider ear microsuction to be the safest, gentlest, and most effective method of earwax removal. Since the treating practitioner is using a scope to look into your ear during the procedure, this allows them to be very precise and remove all of the ear wax in your ear canal without causing pain. 

How Do I Prepare for The Procedure?

Hardened wax can be a bit uncomfortable to remove, and in difficult cases, it may take more than one session. So, it’s best to use ear oil for at least 3-5 day before the appointment to soften ear wax.

How Long Does the Ear Microsuction Procedure Take?

The microsuction process is very straightforward. The earwax is removed using a small microsuction tube to suction out the impacted earwax gently and painlessly. This process takes around 5 to 20 minutes depending on the position and amount of wax in the ear canal. In most cases, ear wax can be cleared in just one treatment.

How Much Does Ear Microsuction Cost at Pearl Chemist Group?

The price for ear microsuction ear wax removal services at Pearl Chemist Group is very affordable. You can contact our individual branches for more information on pricing.

Pearl Chemist Group has many convenient branches across South London that provide professional ear microsuction and other ear wax removal services. Book an appointment today for ear microsuction in Merton, Earlsfield, Banstead, Epsom, Morden, or Streatham.