How to Get Quick Relief from Stomach Pain?

Generally a stomach ache isn't serious. You may have eaten too much, something that doesn’t agree with you, feel bloated due to wind or swallowed too much air whilst eating or drinking. If you experience a stomach ache that is extremely severe, or if you have problems swallowing you should seek medical advice promptly. Most of the time however, a stomach ache is something that we can address on our own with home remedies. If your stomach ache persists you may need a little help to get some quick relief for stomach pain. At Pearl Chemist, our online shop has every best tablet and more for stomach pain.  

What causes an upset stomach?

  • Overeating or fast eating
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy Food
  • Smoking
  • Certain Medications
  • Anxiety
  • Other conditions such as ulcer, gastritis, acid reflux, etc.

What are some ways to get rid of stomach pain?

  • Drink water - dehydration may interfere with digestion, increasing the likelihood of an upset stomach.
  • Ginger - a natural remedy for an upset stomach, some fresh ginger boiled in some water for a tea. Avoid Ginger Ale or Ginger beer as bubbles and sugar could make you worse.
  • Mint - a traditional treatment for indigestion, gas and diarrhoea in many parts of the world. You can have it raw or boiled.  It prevents vomiting and diarrhea, reduces intestinal muscle spasms and relieves pain.
  • Warmth - take a warm bath or use a hot water bottle or heating pad on the affected area. It helps to relax muscles and ease symptoms.
  • Aloe Juice - helps to reduce stomach acid and reduces inflammation. If your stomach ache is from acid reflux, this could help.
  • Eat a plain diet - try to eat some plain foods for a bit - for example try following the BART diet (bananas applesauce rice and toast) if your stomach ache has resulted in diarrhoea.  Bananas have nutrients that ease cramps, pains and muscle spasms.


If your stomach ache is one that generally occurs at night, you may have acid reflux. You may want to know exactly how to stop stomach pain at night. You can try any of the home remedies above, or you can also be prepared with some quick relief for stomach pain if these suggestions don’t work. We have every best tablet for speedy stomach pain relief at our website which you can order for swift delivery to your door at