sexual health

Your overall health and well-being also include your sexual health. Taking care of your sexual health, especially for women, is extremely important. Women experience many things that men do not. This includes menstruation, reproductive health (fertility), sexual concerns, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.  For this reason, as a woman, taking care of your sexual health throughout your life is very important.

So, why not start today to protect your sexual health? Your body will thank you for it.


The best way to take care of your sexual and reproductive health is to be proactive, listen to your body, and not ignore even the most minor signs when something feels wrong.  You could have a symptom of a serious issue that needs to be treated medically.

Getting Immediately Treated for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Always protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases. This can help you avoid diseases that can potentially cause infertility and cancer if left untreated.

If you are sexually active and are experiencing symptoms of an STD, it is important to get tested immediately to protect yourself and your partner.

There are some types of STD’s that don’t show any symptoms. For this reason, getting tested regularly if you are sexually active with multiple partners is the only way to confirm if you have an STD.

Getting contraception 

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, there are many contraception options available such as birth control pills, condoms, IUDs, and arm implant contraception.

If you are in a committed monogamous relationship the IUD and birth control pills are good options. However, they do not protect you from STDs. Use condoms in addition to other forms of contraception to prevent STDs. 

Quit smoking

Smoking not only affects the overall health of a person, but it can also affect reproductive health. In men, smoking can affect the volume of the semen and lowers sperm count. In women, smoking can affect the normal menstrual cycles and lowers egg counts which makes it more challenging to conceive. Quitting smoking will improve your overall health.

Controlling weight

Maintaining a healthy weight can keep you healthy and feeling good. This can improve your sexual health by giving you added confidence and improving your emotional state of mind. Being at a healthy weight is also better for hygiene and reproductive health.

Taking care of your health

To maintain your sexual and reproductive health, you need to be proactive and see your gynaecologist for regular check-ups and screenings. Even if things feel normal, there are some conditions that don’t have noticeable symptoms and can only be caught during a check-up. It’s much easier to treat a condition that has been caught early.

Quit drinking

If you are trying to conceive, it’s best for both males and females to refrain from drinking as this can cause fertility issues and make it difficult to conceive.


There are many clinics for Sexual Health in London. Visit Pearl Chemist Group for Sexual Health services in Wandsworth. We offer anonymous STD testing, contraception, and check-ups with trained clinicians that are available to answer any questions or concerns about sexual health.