Safe Sex The Best Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Partner

Just like caring for your overall health and well-being, it’s important to do everything you can to protect your sexual health. Engaging in safe, protected sex is one of the best things you can do to safeguard your body and ensure you remain healthy—especially when it comes to your sexual and reproductive system.

Part of practicing safe sex is to confirm that you are indeed STI-free. The only to find out for sure is by visiting your local Sexual Health Clinic in London for a sexual health screening. This can give you and your partner great peace of mind so you can get rid of any doubts either of you may have.

Consider making an appointment at Pearl Chemist Group’s Sexual Health Clinic in Banstead or any of our other branches throughout South London. We provide discreet consultations, birth control, STI tests, and many other services such as sexual health screenings in Banstead, Epsom, and Earlsfield.

What is Safe Sex?

First and foremost, what is safe sex?

“Safe sex” and “safer sex” are terms used to describe sexual practices that are meant to keep you and your sexual partner(s) safe and healthy. Primarily, that means using protection to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy.

In the broader sense, safer sex and sexual health also refer to being in a safe and healthy sexual relationship with your partner that is based on trust and open communication so you can freely express your feelings.

Sexual Health Screenings - Why Are They Important?

A sexual health screening involves a series of simple routine tests to check for STIs. During your visit, you can also consult with the clinician about:

•           Pregnancy and abortion information.

•           Birth control options.

•           Sexual health advice.

•           How to prevent STIs.

•           Treatment for STIs.

Best Practices for Safe Sex

·         Get tested frequently for STIs especially if you have multiple partners.

·         Always use a condom.

·         Keep sexual partners to a minimum.

·         Establish open and honest communication with your partner.

·         Use different types of protection depending on the type of sex you have.

Sexual Health Screenings in Epsom – Pearl Chemist Group

We guarantee that our staff will do their best to explain everything and make you feel at ease through the whole process. For all your sexual health needs including testing, contraception, pregnancy, and abortion information - contact PCG’s Sexual Health Clinic in Earlsfield, Banstead, or Epsom.

Click here to book your appointment at your nearest Pearl Chemist Group branch.