Top 5 Foot Care Tips for Healthy and Happy Feet

Our feet work hard for us, and we should give them the TLC they deserve to keep them healthy and happy! Following a regular foot care routine and using nourishing foot care products is the best way to ensure that your feet are being taken care of, so they feel rejuvenated and at their best.

In this article, we’ll give you the top 5 foot care tips for healthy and happy feet. Keep reading to learn more.

Top 5 Foot Care Tips for Healthy and Happy Feet  

1. Dry feet are happy feet.

To prevent fungal skin infections which thrive in moist environments, make sure to keep your feet dry. As part of your foot care routine, always dry your feet before putting on socks and shoes.

2. Keep feet warm in cold weather.

Don’t risk frostbite if you’re going to be walking around in the snow or extreme cold. Tuck your toes into warm socks (and double-up if necessary) to avoid injuries or health issues from developing.

3. Moisturise your feet in the morning and at night

Keeping the skin on your feet moisturised is probably one of the simplest, but also one of the most important steps in a foot care routine.Apply a good moisturiser in the morning and at night to prevent dry, cracked, itchy and flaky skin. Make sure to use foot care products that are gentle on the skin, with no harsh chemicals or perfumes.

4. Choose proper shoes

When shopping for new shoes, choose a shoe that provides good arch support and slowly break-in your new shoes before wearing them all day.

5. Give your feet a rest

Being on your feet constantly can cause a variety of foot problems which range from achy feet, planter fasciitis, swelling, heel spurs, arch problems, and bunions.  If you’ve been on your feet all day, give them some time off to heal and rejuvenate by sitting down and elevating them.

Where Can You Buy Foot Care Products?

Pearl Chemist Group has a broad selection of foot care products that can treat a wide variety of foot problems.See below for a list of highly effective foot care products that can quickly treat corns, blisters, bunions, and warts.

·Compeed Corn Plaster Between Medium 10S

·Profoot Softgel Bunion Protector

·Scholl Corn Foam Cushions 9

·Carnation Hydro Blister Relief Plasters

·Scholl Wart & Verruca Freeze Spray 80ML 

Shop online or stop by today at any branch of Pearl Chemist Group in South London to browse and shop our best selection of products!