What are the 4D’s of Quitting Smoking?

Smoking can seriously damage your health and lead to illnesses and conditions which can be life limiting and life threatening. Fortunately, there is plenty of help available if you want to quit smoking including Pearl Chemist Group’s stop smoking services in Mitcham.

Whichever way you decide to quit smoking or whichever method you favour, there are four key principles which you should bear in mind and which will help keep you on the right road to a smoke-free life.

What are the 4 D’s of Quitting Smoking?
Delay – smokers who have quit will experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms and these can occur for weeks and months after your last cigarette. However, cravings will come and go and if you can delay for even ten minutes then the craving will pass. On average, a ten minute delay will usually reduce that craving or it may even disappear altogether.
Drink water – drinking water can help to reduce cravings plus hydration can help with some of the side effects of nicotine withdrawal such as fatigue, headaches, hunger and sweating. Sipping on water can help mitigate the effect of not having that cigarette in your mouth. Combine drinking water with chewing gum or mints to occupy your mouth whilst you are going through a craving.
Deep breathing – deep breathing is one of the techniques you can try to help manage periods when you are having a craving or can’t stop thinking about smoking. Deep breathing concentrates the mind and body and helps manage the agitation and anxiety that often accompanies a craving or the uncomfortable side effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Do something else – distraction is key if you are having a bad moment and can’t stop thinking about smoking. Physical activity particularly if it is sociable with other people can help improve your energy levels and distract your mind from smoking.

Whichever route you choose to quit smoking, the four D’s will help you when you have those inevitable cravings.

If you are keen to stop smoking and don’t know where to start or perhaps you have tried before and failed then visit Pearl Chemist Group’s website to learn more about our stop smoking service in MitchamThere are lots of services, products and techniques available to help you quit smoking.