Ear Wax Removal

Earwax, also referred to as cerumen, is produced by the glands found in the ear canal. It is made in the outer part of your ear to protect the eardrum by trapping dirt and other particles. The wax also provides lubricating and antibacterial properties.

Generally, earwax passes out of the ear, and dried wax flakes typically fall off. In some instances, however, earwax build-up blocks the ears, and earwax removal becomes necessary to avoid problems from arising.

Causes of earwax build-up

If you are prone to earwax build-up, it can be due to the following factors:

·         When your ears produce hard or dry earwax

·         When your ears have narrow or hairy canals

·         When you have bony growths in the outer ear canal

·         Your earwax becomes drier as you age

·         Using cotton swabs which can push some wax deeper into the ear canal

·         Using hearing aids or earplugs

Symptoms of earwax build-up

Ear blockage or earwax impaction can cause symptoms such as:

·         Earache

·         Decreased hearing or sudden hearing loss

·         Ringing in the ear

·         Itching inside or around the ear

·         Dizziness

·         Odor coming from the ear

More severe symptoms that require professional help include:

·         Vertigo or spinning sensation

·         Ear infections

·         Fever

Symptoms will improve after the discharge of the earwax.

Self-care treatment

If you are experiencing mild symptoms and your doctor confirms that you do not have eardrum perforation, you can try to manage the problem at home.

There are eardrops available in your local pharmacy formulated for earwax removal. These drops can help soften your earwax. Use a few drops for a few days until the wax softens and falls off. Otherwise, you can gently flush your wax with a bulb-type syringe once it has become softer.

It may take a few days for home treatment to improve your symptoms. Contact your doctor if it does not improve in 3 to 5 days.

Prevention of earwax build-up

If you are prone to earwax blockage, your doctor can prescribe which eardrops to regularly use to ensure that your wax is soft.

Avoid scrapping your earwax with your fingers or other instruments, which can potentially cause more problems.