What is Gastritis and How Do You Treat the Symptoms

Gastritis is a common stomach condition that many suffer fromin the UK. Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining that can be caused by ulcers, alcohol, side effects of certain medications, and smoking. This chronic condition usually comes on gradually and may take a long time to treat until it goes away permanently.

If you don't treat gastritis early on, it may cause serious complications in the future such as stomach cancer. In addition to medication, lifestyle changes will help the stomach lining heal and minimise symptoms.

In this article, you will learn all about the causes, symptoms, and different treatment options for gastritis.

Symptoms of Gastritis

The most common symptoms of gastritis are: 

· Feeling stomach pain after eating

· Loss of appetite

· Indigestion

· Nausea

· Dark vomit

· Dark stools


Gastritis is caused by:

· Anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) and aspirin

· Drinking alcohol

· Smoking

· Infection with Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) bacteria

· Wearing down (erosion) of the protective layer of the stomach lining


Making lifestyle changes, such as avoiding the long-term use of alcohol, NSAIDs, and coffee, may help prevent gastritis and its complications (such as a peptic ulcer). Reducing tension by doing relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, and meditation, can also reduce gastritis symptoms. The good news is that most people suffering from gastritis improve quickly once treatment has begun.

Treatment for gastritis usually involves:

Taking antacids and other OTC or prescription drugs
Avoiding hot and spicy foods
For gastritis caused by H. pylori infection, your GP will prescribe a regimen of acid blocking drugs and antibiotics.
Vitamin B12 shots will be prescribed if gastritis is caused by pernicious anaemia.
Eliminating irritating foods from your diet such as gluten and dairy

OTC Medication to Treat Gastritis Symptoms

· Simethicone

· Antacid: Pepcid and H-2 blockers

· Ranitidine

· Best tablet for stomach pain: Pepto-Bismol, Mylanta, Emetrol, Tums Rolaids

· Docusates

· Bisacodyl

· Loperamide

· Aleve

· Lactaid

To discuss prescription and non-prescription treatment options for gastritis, you can visit any Pearl Chemist Group pharmacy and speak with one of our knowledgeable and compassionate pharmacists.