What Should You Do If You Suspect You Have the Flu

While you may be able to carry on working or going to school with a cold, the flu is usually more intense and could leave you bedridden for a few miserable days. The best way to prevent days of sneezing, coughing, and body pain - not to mention lost days of work or school – is to get an annual flu vaccination.

Visit Pearl Chemist Group for flu vaccination services in London – we service the greater South London area with 22+ conveniently located pharmacies.

If you suspect that you have the flu, follow the tips below to quickly fight off the flu and prevent spreading it to others.

What Are the Benefits of the Flu Vaccination?

There are numerous benefits of getting the flu vaccination, here are some of the key reasons:

·It’s extremely effective at preventing the flu.

·If you get the flu, your symptoms will be less intense.

·It shortens the duration of the flu if you get sick.

·It protects the people around you.

The easiest way to avoid seasonal flu is to visit your local Pearl Chemist Groupbranch to get your flu vaccination. We provide flu vaccination services in Earlsfield and many other South London locations.

If You Suspect You Have the Flu, You Should

If you notice that you’re experiencing flu symptoms, follow these tips to feel better and prevent spreading the flu to others.

·Wash your hands frequently throughout the day with hot water and soap.

·Cover coughs and sneezes with your arm or direct them into a disposable tissue.

·Eat healthy and vitamin-rich foods to boost your immune system, it will help give your body the strength it needs to fight off the virus.

·Stay hydrated by drinking plenty ofwater, broths, and herbal teas.

·Stock up on all the essentials like tissues, over-the counter medications, and vitamin-rich foods so you don’t have to run to the market while you’re still sick and expose others to the virus.

·Stay home from work to prevent spreading the flu to others.

·Get plenty of rest so your body can fight off the influenza virus that causes the flu.

Drop-In For Flu Vaccination Services in Merton at Pearl Chemist Group

Pearl Chemist Group offers flu vaccination services in Epsom, Banstead, Earlsfield, Merton, Morden as well as our other branches throughout South London. Even if you are already showing symptoms of the flu, it’s not too late to get a flu jab, it may actually shorten the duration of being sick and decrease the intensity of flu symptoms.