Winter Foot Care: Protecting Your Feet from Cold and Moisture

The winter weather can be hard on our bodies and skin, including the feet. The cold, dry air can leave our skin chapped and cracked. Since our feet are covered in socks and shoes all winter, it can be easy to miss skin problems that are developing on the feet. Then all of a sudden, you might start to feel pain or experience excessively dry, cracked, and itchy skin.

To minimise the risk of a surprise foot problem, you should take care of your feet in the winter by following certain foot care practices and using good quality foot care products. Check out our foot care tips to protect your feet from cold and moisture during cold weather.

Winter Foot Care Tips

Remove Wet Shoes and Socks Immediately

If your shoes get wet from the rain or snow, you should remove them as soon as you can to dry them out. But don’t stop there. If your socks are wet as well - take them off! Having wet feet all day creates the perfect environment for bacteria and fungus to grow.

Let Them Breathe

Don’t keep feet covered up all winter, give them time to breathe.  Spending a couple of hours in front of a toasty with bare feet, gives the skin a chance to heal.

Use Breathable Socks

You can also take advantage of breathable socks to protect your feet in cold weather. Moisture-wicking technology used for socks, allow sweat to be absorbed into the fabric and then evaporate, leaving your skin dry – no more damp and wrinkled toes!

Don’t Squeeze The Feet

If you try to squeeze two pairs of socks into your shoes for added warmth, they could become too tight and cause circulation issues, aggravate corns, and even cause blisters. For relief from blisters, try Carnation Hydro Blister Relief Plasters and Compeed Hydro Cure System Blister Medium 5S.

If you have corns, over-the-counter products such as Carnation Corn Caps M197 Wallet 5 and Compeed Corn Plaster Between Medium 10S can help reduce the size so you experience less pain when wearing shoes.

Moisturise Your Feet Daily

Instead of ignoring or neglecting the skin on your feet, apply a quality moisturiser every day as part of your daily foot care routine. If you use a deeply moisturising lotion or cream in the winter regularly, you can keep the skin on your feet healthy and happy. Try Carnation Silky Feet Hard Skin Remover 1 to remove dead skin, so the feet feel renewed and rejuvenated.

Pearl Chemist Group has a wide range of foot care products available in store and online. Your feet work hard for you, give them the TLC they deserve by following a pampering foot care routine.