A Guide to Treating Fungal Infection

If you’re suffering from common fungal skin infections such as athlete’s foot, nail fungus, or any other yeast-related fungal skin infection then the over-the-counter anti-fungal creams, ointments, sprays, and powders can quickly cure it. They can also relieve your symptoms which might include itchy, red, and flaky skin.

Here is a guide to treating fungal infections to give you fast relief!

What is a fungal skin infection?

A fungal skin infection occurs when the skin is infected with candida fungi. This type of infection is fairly common and is very contagious. They can appear anywhere on the body, but they usually occur in the groin, armpit, feet, scalp, arms, legs, etc. Skin fungal infection symptoms can vary, but most cause itching, blisters, redness, scaly skin, bumps, or rashes.

Types of fungal skin infections and how to treat them

There are many different types of skin infections caused by fungus. The most effective treatments are over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal creams, ointments, powders, tablets, and sprays.

The most common fungal skin infections are:

Athlete’s foot

If the skin between your toes feels like it’s burning, and starts to flake, or your feet are itching madly, this is typically a sign of athlete’s foot which is very common.

Treatment for athlete’s foot usually requires OTC fungal infection cream for feet.

Jock itch

Jock itch commonly occurs in the groin, inner thighs, or buttocks. The moist and warm area provides the perfect place for a fungal skin infection to grow. An itchy rash may occur as a result.

Treat jock itch at home by washing the area with soap and warm water and thoroughly drying the area after bathing, then apply an antifungal powder, spray, or cream to relieve itching.


This is a highly contagious fungal skin infection that forms a ring-shaped rash with a worm-like edge around it. It typically causes itchy, red, scaly, and cracked skin.

Use an OTC antifungal to treat ringworm but if it doesn’t work, a prescription-strength medication may be necessary.

Toenail fungus

Toenail fungus (aka onychomycosis) is very common, developing in the toenails. It causes your toenails to turn a different colour, break easily, and become thicker than normal.

Toenail fungus is most effectively treated with antifungal tablets such as Fluconazole.