What Are the Benefits of Regular Health Checks

Do you only see your GP when you’re sick?  Instead of seeing your GP as a “reactive” approach to a current illness, think “pro-active” and visit your healthcare provider for a routine health check-up BEFORE you come down with an illness. Preventativehealthcare is what most medical experts are advocating and many individuals are also getting on board with preventative care.

With regular health checks, you are more informed about your current health and empowered to make immediate lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of future illness or disease. In general, regular health checks give you an overview of your health by looking at your activity level, lifestyle, diet, and weight. Detecting problems early means you’ll have the best chance of improving or curing medical conditions and diseases. As a result, you increase the chances to live a longer and healthier life.

The benefits of regular health checks with your GP far outweigh the risk of avoiding your GP until you come are sick. Keep reading to learn more about health checks and how they can improve your health and overall wellbeing.

Benefits of Regular Health Checks

There are many benefits to regular health check-ups, these include:
● Lowering the risk of getting ill
● Early detection of serious diseases or conditions that could be life-threatening
● Increasing your chances for successful treatment and cure of disease

● Ability to monitor existing medical conditions closely

● Improved health and lifespan increase

● Reduction of medical costs by detecting problems early

● Building a good relationship with your GP for better treatment

Routine Health Check-Up Checklist

Here is a list of recommended health screening tests you could ask your GP for:

● Annual health “wellness” visit - preventative screening, BMI, physical exam, blood pressure)

● Cancer screenings - prostate, testicular, cervical, breast, skin, colon)

● Sensory screenings – hearing or eye if symptoms exist

● Immunisations - boosters of necessary immunisations

If you don’t qualify for a free NHS free health check-up or do not want to wait (a long time) until you are invited to attend one, you can book a convenient appointment for a private health screening in London at any of our PCG branches.