Can Blocked Ears Cause Serious Complications if Left Untreated

Earwax buildup is a common issue that often goes underestimated, yet it can lead to serious complications if left unaddressed. Therefore, understanding the potential risks associated with ear wax buildup is crucial for maintaining optimal ear health.

Recognising the importance of early intervention is essential for preventing any potential complications due to blocked ears. In this blog, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of earwax build-up and understand the significant complications that can arise from neglecting blocked ears.

What are the Symptoms of Earwax Build-up?

Earwax build-up may interfere with daily activities and may require professional evaluation for ear wax removal. You can easily recognise the symptoms of earwax build-up if you feel-
●       Reduced hearing

●       Earache

●       Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

●       Sensation of fullness or blockage in the ear canal

What are the Causes of Ear Wax Buildup?

Earwax build-up, also known as cerumen impaction, can occur due to various factors that influence the production and accumulation of earwax like-
●       Excessive ear wax production

●       Narrow ear canals

●       Improper ear hygiene practices

●       Use of earplugs or hearing aids

How Can You Treat Earwax Build-up on Your Own?

Earwax usually comes out of your ear by itself. But if it doesn't and blocks your ear, you can try to get rid of it by following these steps-
●       Lie down on your side with the ear that's blocked facing up.

●       Put 2 to 3 drops of olive or almond oil in your ear. Don't use almond oil if you're allergic to almonds.

●       Stay lying down for 5 to 10 minutes after you've put the oil in.

●       Do this 3 to 4 times a day, for 3 to 5 days.

After about 2 weeks, the lumps of earwax should fall out of your ear, and you should feel better.

What are the Complications of Blocked Ears Due to Earwax Build-up?

Blocked ears due to earwax build-up can pose significant risks to one's health and well-being. Neglecting this common issue may result in a range of serious complications that impact various aspects of daily life.
●       Ear infections

●       Eardrum perforation

●       Hearing loss

●       Balance issues

How to Address Serious Complications of Blocked Ears?

When earwax build-up causes significant discomfort or complications, seeking professional assistance becomes necessary. Our ear microsuction service in Tooting, Earlsfield, Merton, Banstead, Northcote, and Epsom offers a gentle and precise method of removing stubborn ear wax without the risk of injury or discomfort associated with traditional ear syringing techniques.

Book an Appointment for Ear Microsuction Service

While blocked ears may seem like a minor inconvenience, they can indicate underlying issues that require attention. At Pearl Chemist Group, we prioritise your well-being by offering ear microsuction services.

By understanding the symptoms, causes, and potential complications of earwax build-up, you can take proactive steps to safeguard your ear health. Book an appointment or simply contact us to know more about ear microsuction cost and embrace effective ear wax removal service at your nearest Pearl Chemist Group branch.