Can lack of calcium cause joint pain

Joint pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It can be caused by various factors, such as injury, inflammation, arthritis, and overuse of the joints. While calcium is primarily known for its role in maintaining strong bones, recent studies have suggested a potential link between calcium deficiency and joint pain.

Hypocalcaemia or calcium deficiency can wreak havoc on your bones and system. Vitamin D triggers the release of enzymes and hormones, so without it, your nerves, muscles, and nerves would also go haywire. While you can purchase pain relief sprays and inflammatory medication for muscle & joint pain, you must address the core issue to feel better.

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Aside from muscle & joint pain, other symptoms of calcium deficiency include the following:

●     Appetite loss

●     Muscle weakness

●     Hair loss

●     Oral problems

●     Fatigue

●     Sleep deprivation

●     Depression

●     Heightened feelings of sadness

●     Deteriorating condition

Calcium will keep your bones robust and healthy. Muscle & joint pain is only a symptom of a deeper problem. For instance, you risk developing osteoporosis, osteomalacia (causing rickets) or arthritis.

As a result, your bones become brittle and change in structure, causing deformities. If you don’t address the issue immediately, it will result in irreversible pain that no pain relief spray can resolve. Worse, you will deal with this problem for the remaining years of your life.

How Much Daily Calcium Intake Do You Need?

According to the National Health Service, the average adult requires at least 700mg of Vitamin D daily. Growing kids, pregnant women and adults aged 65 and above will have higher calcium requirement.

For instance, children from 4-8 years old need at least 1,000mg of calcium, while teens from nine to 18 years require 1,300mg.

However, too much calcium (over 1,500mg) will also cause diarrhoea and stomach ache.

You can get your daily calcium intake from food if you have a balanced diet.

Below are a few examples of high-calcium foods that you need to introduce to your diet:

●     Salmon

●     Dairy

●     Seeds

●     Yoghurt

●     Cheese

●     Leafy greens

●     Sardines

●     Lentils

●     Whey protein

●     Rhubarb

●     Figs

●     Tofu

While you can get your required calcium intake from food, physicians may prescribe supplements aside from muscle & joint pain relief medication. This exception occurs when your condition is severe and needs emergency intervention.

Unfortunately, no pain relief spray will reverse the deteriorating consequences of calcium deficiency.

Muscle & Joint Pain Relief Products

You can purchase a pain relief spray online without needing any prescription from your physician. Among the most effective products to alleviate the discomfort you feel include the following:

●     Deep Heat Spray 150GM

●     Deep Relief Anti-Inflammatory Gel 100GM

●     Flexiseq Gel 50GM

●     Cura-Heat Arthritis Pain For Knee 4

●     Cura-Heat Arthritis Pain Refill 6

●     Voltarol 12 Hour Joint Pain Relief Gel 100G

●     Voltarol 12 Hour Joint Pain Relief Gel 30G

Calcium deficiency is a debilitating condition if not addressed immediately. You don’t have to suffer from debilitating soreness and tenderness in your bones and limbs.

Pearl Chemist Group can help with your calcium deficiency and promote muscle & joint relief to help you live a quality life with your loved ones. Our experts can suggest you the right supplements and refer you to a specialist if the need arises. Visit your nearest PearlChemist Group today.