Does Quitting Smoking Help You to Improve Your Sexual Health?

Quitting smoking is one of the best ways to improve your health overall. Along with other measures to improve health such as weight management and exercise, quitting smoking will give you great health improvement results.  Maybe you’d never think of it - but it can, with other measures, improve your sexual health!  To assess your sexual health, you can visit Pearl Chemist Group’s sexual health services in Wandsworth. We can also help you quit smoking at our stop smoking services in Mitcham.

What is Sexual Health?
Sexual health is more than the focus on negative aspects of sexual intimacy such as STI prevention or abuse issues. It includes all the elements of a positive sexual attitude:  knowledge/information; safety, respect and communication.

Poor overall health can lead to a low self worth, and a low self worth can detract from your ability or desire to assert yourself or seek any one, detracting from the fundamental elements of good sexual health.

Why Does Overall Health Effect Sexual Health?
Overall health includes weight management, fitness, and making healthy choices for your body and mind. If you are overweight, unfit or a smoker, this could create insecurities and a lack of stamina.

What Can I Do to Improve Overall Health and Sexual Health?
Improving overall health and sexual health is easier than you think. Here are some easy steps you can take:

  • Stay hydrated - drink at least eight 8 oz glasses of water per day 
  • Eat healthy - consume a well balanced diet, and eat regular meals at regular times
  • Quit smoking - there are many benefits to quitting smoking including preventing certain cancers, heart disease and omitting potentially off-putting foul odours. But did you know that if you are male, it can actually increase your testosterone?  It can be confirmed by recent studies. If the cause of any decrease in libido is hormonal for men, quitting smoking can help!
  • Self care -  meditation, yoga, baths, taking time out - whatever works for you.
  • Exercise - this does not have to be strenuous exercise in a gym. Just make a point to move, every day.  

What is the Best Way to Quit Smoking?
Statistics show that those who seek support when quitting smoking are the most likely to succeed. Support can come in many forms, but often a structured programme with proven methodologies is the most effective.  Pearl Chemist Group has stop smoking services in Mitcham. If you would like to also tackle a weight management programme, Pearl Chemist Group also has weight management services in Wandsworth. Visit us online to book in and get started!