Tips for Weight Loss Journey

Maintaining a healthy weight can be a challenge as we age. Typically most gain 2-3 pounds per year, even if you are being careful. After age 40 your tried and true methods may not work. If this describes you, it may be time to seek some support. Statistically,  support increases your chances of weight loss and weight management over going it alone. Pearl Chemist Group has adult weight loss and weight management services in London and throughout the UK.

You can start your journey by examining your habits and making some simple changes.  Here are some tips for your weight loss journey.

  • Stay Hydrated - Dehydration can make you feel hungry.  A good tip is to have a glass of water if you feel hungry between meals. You may actually be thirsty!
  • Eat Healthily, Eat Regularly - Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and complex carbohydrates. Eat varied, colourful foods - the more colours that are on your plate, the better. If you have periods of not wanting to eat, there are supplements that can assist you with getting liquid calories.
  • Get Enough Sleep - Not getting enough sleep can make us too tired to put in the effort to cook healthy.  After a long day at work, managing kids and homework and pets, you may not feel like putting in that extra effort and, out of ease, you reach for unhealthy options.  Also, you may be too tired for exercise and lack of sleep can cause poor mood which can affect decision making and motivation levels.
  • Exercise Regularly - exercise does not have to be heading to the gym and leaving in pain. Exercise means regular physical activity. This should be whatever your level of fitness and mobility allow for.  
  • Decrease Stress - stress releases hormones called cortisol which affects your insulin levels. Once your insulin levels drop, your body will need to replenish the energy.  We get energy from food. Unhealthy stress-induced behaviours such as unhealthy eating habits can naturally lead to weight gain, 
  • Get support - statistically, those who have support from others - either a group, GP, or friend-  have a higher chance of success. Also, it may be good to keep a weight diary.  But do not obsess about this because your goal should be to improve your health, rather than achieving some target number.

No matter your age, if you are struggling or looking for support, Pearl Chemist Group has weight management services for adults in London and throughout the UK.  Visit us online to find a location near you.