Flu Vaccination for Pregnant Women Protecting Both Mom and Baby

The best way to protect you and your baby from catching a serious illness is by getting the recommended vaccinations at the right time - this includes the flu vaccination. The flu (or influenza) is highly contagious, and you can easily be exposed to it in your day-to-day life.

In most cases, the flu isn’t life-threatening, but for pregnant women who have weakened immune systems the best way to prevent the flu and reduce your risk of getting sick or experiencing complications is to get the flu jab. The antibodies you develop after getting a flu vaccination will transfer from you to your unborn baby and provide protection from the moment they are born.

At Pearl Chemist Group in South London, we offer Flu Vaccination Services in Morden Tolworth, Tooting, Streatham, and Merton. The flu jab should be a top priority this flu season to protect both mom and baby!

Is The Flu Vaccination Safe for Pregnant Women?

Yes, it's safe to get the flu vaccination while you are pregnant at any stage. In fact, the NHS recommends that all women who are pregnant get the flu jab, especially during flu season.

The Flu Vaccine Can:

Prevent The Flu and Possible Complications

When women are pregnant, they have a more delicate immune system, so they are more likely to experience severe illness from the flu. Getting the flu jab can prevent pregnant women from getting the flu and reduces chances of complications from the flu by about 40%.

Prevent Harm to Your Unborn Baby

Having a high fever caused by the flu early in pregnancy can increase the chance of health problems for your child. By preventing the flu with the vaccine, you are reducing the risk of flu-related issues for your baby.

What Should I Know About Flu Vaccination Services in Merton?

At Pearl Chemist Group we make it convenient to get all types of vaccinations. Flu Vaccination Services in Merton and all of our other South London provide private flu vaccinations, meaning there’s no waiting time. Come when it’s convenient for you!

Why Choose Pearl Chemist Group for Flu Vaccination Services in Streatham?

At Pearl Chemist Group, our expert clinicians are always available to answer any health related or vaccination questions. If you have any questions or concerns about the safety of the flu vaccine during pregnancy, we are here to answer questions. For flu vaccination services in Streatham or at any of our locations, drop-in or make an appointmentonline.