How many cigarettes a day is safe

How harmful is one cigarette?

That might be the question on your mind as you take another puff while breaking your vow never to touch one again. On the surface, it seems innocuous enough.

After all, what’s one more stick?

But that’s the danger when you start to justify your actions. You always find a reason to alleviate the guilt.

What does science tell us?

A 2005 research study examining the consequences of smoking one to four cigarettes each day suggests that it increases the risk of dying from lung cancer, particularly in women, and people with ischaemic heart disease.

Another University of College London study, led by Prof. Allan Hacksaw, concluded that men have a 48% higher chance of getting coronary heart disease or are 25% more at risk of stroke when they smoke just one cigarette daily.

So, how harmful is 1 cigarette? Very hazardous, in fact.

And if you wonder how many sticks would be safe for you daily?

The answer is zero.

Cigarettes contain about 600 toxic ingredients, including butane, formaldehyde, arsenic, and acetone. You can’t expect to willingly inhale these toxic substances and have zero consequences on your health.

Stop Smoking Aids

Quitting is not easy, but it is possible. It’s even easier now than a decade ago due to various stop smoking aids easily available on the market today.

For example, you can shop online for stop smoking aids or visit your nearest pharmacyand ask for over-the-counter stop smoking medication such as the following:

●     Nicorette Cools Lozenge Mint 2MG 20

●     Nicorette Freshmint Gum 2MG 105

●     Nicorette Freshmint Gum 4MG 25S

●     Nicorette Gum 2MG Original [GSL] 105

●     Nicorette Inhalator 15MG 20S

●     Nicorette Invisi Patch 25MG 7

●     Nicorette Quickmist 1MG 13.2ML

●     Nicotinell Tts 20 Patches 14MG 7S

Does Stop Smoking Medication Work?

According to a paper published in the National Library of Medicine, the success rate of stop smoking aids is between 22% and 45%. If you think that’s insignificant, consider the success rate of quitting without assistance, it’s between 4% and 7%.

Rehab, behavioural therapy, internal motivation, and the support of your loved ones will drastically increase the chances of successful smoking cessation.

So, stop wondering how harmful a cigarette can be. Consult our health experts at Pearl Chemist Group today and take the first step towards quitting this harmful habit.