How To Treat Fungal Nail Infection?

Fungal nail infections are very persistent, stubborn and can take a long time to cure.  They are easily spread from the common fungal condition, athlete’s foot. If you are looking to buy antifungal cream or fungal infection cream for feetthen browse your options at Pearl Chemist’s online shop.

How to Treat Fungal Nail Infection at Home?

Start by following rigorous protocols about keeping your feet clean and dry. Fungal nail infections often develop alongside athlete’s foot and all your attempts to get rid of the nail infection will be in vain if your feet remain a location for fungus to thrive in.

  • Avoid footwear that could make your feet hot and sweaty for prolonged periods of time
  • Change socks regularly if they become damp, this might be more than once a day
  • Wear clean socks every day
  • Wash your feet daily and dry carefully between the toes
  • If you have athlete’s foot then treat it and don’t share your bath towel
  • Throw out old shoes
  • Wear flip-flops in communal showers at the gym or swimming pool

Treat your fungal nail infection with an antifungal nail cream. There are lots of creams available touting themselves as the best fungal nail treatment in the UK but you will need to persist as it can often take as long as twelve months for the cream to work. Many people give up too soon and assume the treatment is not working.

If after persistent effort over several months you cannot cure the problem, then speak to your doctor. You should also consult a healthcare professional if the fungal infection has spread to other toe nails. It is possible to treat stubborn fungal nail infections with antifungal tablets but these have to be taken for a long period of time and they sometimes offer some unpleasant side effects.

To treat athlete’s foot and fungal nail infections visit Pearl Chemist’s online store. We sell a range of antifungal creams including many different brands of fungal infection cream for feetGet rid of that fungal nail infection once and for all.  Learn more on the website about this condition from our friendly and professional pharmacy team