Is Your Sore Throat a Sign of Something Serious?

A sore throat is a normal symptom of the common cold and also viral illnesses like flu. However, sometimes, a sore throat can be an indication of something more serious and could have an unusual origin. If you are suffering from the misery of sore throat, then visit Pearl Chemist’s online shop for sore throat treatments like sore throat relieving spraysore throat relieving tablets and sore throat relief syrup.

The most usual presentation of sore throat symptoms is as a result of a seasonal cold or flu. Symptoms vary but usually start with a dry and inflamed throat which will feel restricted and swollen, causing pain when coughing or swallowing.

Sore Throat Treatments

There are lots of self-help and home remedies you can try such as honey and lemon which can help soothe irritation and lubricate a dry throat and gargling with salt water. Most people rely on over the counter remedies from their pharmacist including relieving sprays, sore throat relieving tablets and syrup, which can be used regularly for instant benefit, particularly when you are out and about. All of these products aim to achieve the same thing which is to reduce inflammation and pain and in some instances to lubricate the throat to help make it feel more comfortable.

Other Causes of Sore Throats

Sometimes, sore throats can be caused by other conditions such as tonsillitis, glandular fever or laryngitis. There are also other more unusual causes such as acid reflux which is the rise of stomach reflux up the oesophagus and into the throat. This can cause a repeated and irritating cough due to the burning sensation in the throat.

Most sore throats have an obvious cause which settles down in two to three weeks, but if the sore throat and/or cough persists then you should ask your GP to investigate. Occasionally, a sore throat can be an early indication of throat cancer but it is far more likely to have a much less serious cause.

For all your sore throat treatments, visit Pearl Chemist’s online store. We stock sore throat relief syrup, sore throat relieving tablets and sore throat relieving sprayBuy from your trusted professional pharmacy provider and visit our website for quick, secure online ordering