Key Things to Know About Covid-19 Vaccines

Well, COVID-19 is something we all seem to be used to now. Whilst rules are getting more simple to live in the UK, travel may be more complicated.  Having your COVID-19 vaccinations can make travelling a great deal easier for you, but if you remain unvaccinated, you will still need to engage in pre-travel PCR tests, possible isolation at your destination, and PCR swat tests upon your return to the UK. Pearl Chemist Group has all the PCR swab tests for your fit to fly certificates as well as COVID-19 PCR tests for your return.

How do the COVID 19 vaccines work?
The COVID-19 vaccine is an mRNA vaccine that contains material from the virus that causes COVID-19. The material is not the virus, rather a protein from the virus that our immune system will recognise as the virus and begin an immune reaction to. This immune reaction proceeds like this:

  • Our body makes copies of the cells injected into us.
  • The immune system then makes antibodies that then destroy the genetic material from the vaccine.

What are the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccination?
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine include:

  • Providing strong protection against:
    • Serious illness
    • Hospitalisation
    • Death
  • Strong evidence you will be less likely to 
    • Pass the virus to others

What are the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine?
As with any vaccines, there is a possibility that some people could experience mild to moderate side effects after receiving a dose of the vaccine.  Side effects usually go away in a few days on their own with plenty of rest and liquids. They can include:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Chills
  • Diarrhoea
  • pain/redness at injection site

If you are worried your side effects are unusual or severe, you can contact your GP or A & E. More severe side effects are extremely rare and can include loss of mobility or speech, difficulty breathing, chest pain or confusion.

Can I have the COVID-19 Vaccine with other vaccines?
In the first instance when the COVID-19 vaccines were released, the recommendation was to wait 14 days between the COVID-19 vaccine and any other vaccines.  The recommendations have since changed as of 2021, and it is now safe to receive other vaccines at the same time as the COVID-19 vaccine.

Pearl Chemist Group has COVID-19 PCR Swat tests and Fit to Fly Certificates for travel throughout the UK. Please visit us online to find your nearest location and opening times or for our contact details to speak to someone if you have additional questions.