Tips to Ease Joint Pain

Joint pain is the cause of numerous visits to the GP surgery and can be caused by lots of different things including trauma and accident and also chronic conditions like arthritis. Pearl Chemist is your go to professional for joint pain. We supply a range of over the counter and prescription based medicines including the best tablets for joint painFind out how to manage joint pain with professional advice from your pharmacist and the best pills for relief from joint pain.

Home remedies
There are lots of home remedies which can be used to ease arthritis pain. Arthritis is one of the most common causes of wrist pain, finger pain, knee pain, and ankle pain.  Here are some of the most effective solutions to ease the pain and discomfort of inflamed joints.

  • Warmth applied to the area can help relieve painful and sore joints. A mixture of rest and gentle and appropriate mobility is also recommended. Warmth can be applied using hot compresses, a hot water bottle with a cover, or a warm bath or shower
  • Anti-inflammatories can help treat the cycle of inflammation which causes more destruction in the joint, these can be obtained from your pharmacist or sometimes require GP prescription for something stronger. Medication may be a permanent feature of your life or might just be needed during flare-ups
  • A proprietary joint supplement can help support failing joints
  • Physiotherapy can promote a good movement regime with appropriate exercises to encourage mobility without further damage

Hard to reach areas
Arthritis can affect any joint and some are easier to access than others. If you are experiencing neck pain or jaw pain then it can be hard to ease discomfort using physical remedies. This is where medication can make a real difference. Similarly, elbow pain or hip pain is difficult to manage with applied heat methods as these joints are awkward to access.

If your arthritis is giving you foot pain, then it is really important to get on top of this quickly as anything that prevents you from walking can lead to other problems and impact your knees, hips, and spine.

Managing pain and mobility is key to dealing with inflamed and angry joints. Unregulated inflammation will cause more damage and destruction within the joint capsule. Pain also equals less mobility beginning a vicious circle where the joint is used less and becomes stiffer. Pearl Chemist stock all the best pills for joint pain whether you are looking for over the counter medicines or prescription medicines from your doctor. We can advise on the best tablets for your joint pain and help you enjoy a freer life with all the joy of mobility and movement.