Stop Smoking Seven Tested Ways to Resist Tobacco Cravings

For most people who smoke cigarettes, smoking urges can be so strong that quitting may seem impossible. But, with willpower and determination (and a good plan in place), you can resist tobacco cravings and stop smoking for good.

Here Are 7 Ways to Resist Tobacco Cravings to Stop Smoking Forever

1. Remind yourself of the benefits

Write down the reasons why you want to stop smoking. These might include getting healthy, feeling better, protecting your family, and saving money.

2. Call for reinforcements

When you’re feeling the urge to smoke, instead connect with a friend, family member, or support group member and go for a walk, call someone, or meet up for a chat over coffee. This will distract you from your urges and give you the strength to resist smoking.

3. Try relaxation techniques

Smoking may have been your go-to method for dealing with stress. Take the edge off by experimenting with other ways to relax, such as listening to calming music, massage, meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.

4. Get physically active

Exercise can help distract you from tobacco cravings. Even short bursts of activity — such as walking around the block — can distract you and give you the time needed to think of the main reasons why you want to quit smoking and the overall benefits of being cigarette free.

5. Chew on it

To replace cigarettes, keep your mouth busy by chewing gum or hard candy. Or munch on healthy snacks such as nuts, or raw carrots - something tasty and crunchy (but not high in calories).

6. Avoid potential triggers

Tobacco urges are likely to be strongest in the places where you smoked, such as at bars or parties. Identify your triggers and have a plan in place to avoid them or get through them without smoking.

7. Try nicotine replacement therapy

Ask your healthcare provider about nicotine replacement therapy.

Possible options include:

·Prescription nicotine nasal spray or inhaler

·Nicotine patches, lozenges, and gum you can buy without a prescription

·Prescription drugs to help you stop smoking (without nicotine)