What Can Cause Coughing

Got a cough that’s keeping you up at night? Your first step towards cough relief is to determine what type of cough you have and what’s causing it. Then consider your symptoms. Once you know that, you can choose the best cough medicine for your symptoms. If you’re cough is caused by the common cold or the flu, you’ll probably need Cold Cough & Flu cough medicine, whereas if your cough is caused by allergies, you will need a cough medicine that treats different symptoms.

In this article, you’ll learn what causes coughing and which cough medicines are the most effective at stopping your cough fast!

What Causes Coughing?

There are many causes for coughing, the most common include:

•           Viruses from colds and the flu are the most common causes.

•           Allergies and asthma.

•           Postnasal drip.

•           Acid reflux.

•           Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

•           Other causes such as lung inflammation, sleep apnoea, and drug side effects.

The Best Cold Cough & Flu OTC Cough Medicine Treatments

Best Overall Cough Medicine

·         Care Pholcodine Linctus Bp (200ML)

·         Care Simple Linctus Sugar Free (200ML)

·         Benylin Mucus Cough Max Menthol

Best Chesty Cough Medicine

·         Benylin Chesty Non Drowsy (150ML)

·         Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture (150ML)

·         Covonia Chesty Cough Sugar Free (150ML)

Best Children’s Cough Medicine

·         Benylin Childrens Night Cough (125ML)

What Not to Eat When Coughing?

When you have a cough there are certain foods that can trigger a coughing attack. Below is a list of what not to eat when coughing:

·         Crunchy and dry foods that can scratch or irritate your throat when you swallow it.

·         Citrus juices and fruits that sting the throat.

·         While frozen drinks and foods like ice cream, ice, or popsicles can feel good on the throat, it can trigger coughing.

To find the best cough medicine and get quick relief, drop into any branch of Pearl Chemist Group in South London to find the one that’s best for you. Consult with any of our expert pharmacists to help you make the right choice. You can also shop online from the comfort of your home.