What Causes Sore Muscles and How to Treat Them?

You can experience muscle soreness for many reasons. No matter the reason, it can prevent normal range of movement and can prevent you from engaging in your regular activities. Sore muscles are usually a temporary ailment and you can often find relief with muscle pain relief creams or even pain relief tablets. If you experience long term muscle pain that prevents movement over a very long period of time, you should likely talk to your GP. Pearl Chemist has a wide variety of the best muscle pain relief creams for relief of your temporary sore muscles.

What causes muscle pain?
Most commonly, sore muscles are caused by:

  • Minor injuries
  • Stress
  • Overuse
  • Tension
  • Exercise

Usually, muscle pain is particularised to a certain area with localised pain and affect. A person can also experience something called systemic muscle pain, which is usually associated with chronic conditions such as:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue syndrome
  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lyme disease

How to treat muscle pain
If you are experiencing temporary muscle pain, there are many ways you can treat yourself at home. Treatments for muscle soreness can range from “do nothing and let it pass” to full body massages, depending on your level of suffering, resources and whether the pain is chronic or not. Here are some muscle pain relief treatments:

  • Soak - try an epsom salt warm bath
  • Cold/Hot therapy - alternate ice packs and heating pad
  • Rest and elevate - if muscle is on a limb, keep elevated when not in use
  • Complementary therapies - massage, meditation and/or acupuncture could help
  • Over the counter pain relief tablets - naproxen, ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin
  • Pain cream - pain relief creams like Tiger balm, Flexiseq or Cura Heat

When should I see a GP for my muscle pain?
If your muscle pain does not see any relief after home remedies and over the counter pain creams and tablets, then you might want to consider phoning your GP. Additional symptoms to look for can be swelling or redness around the sore muscle, which can be the sign of an infection. Also, if your pain is experienced throughout your entire body, this could indicate an underlying illness as well as a possible infection.  

Pearl Chemist offers all the best muscle pain relief creams and overall pain relief creams. Visit us online today to order your pain relief cream online or find your nearest location.