What is the Best Pain Relief for Cold and Sore Throat?

Having a cold and sore throat are usually signs of a minor illness that can be treated at home. Whatever the source of your cold symptoms and sore throat, you will most certainly want relief of some kind. There are some home remedies you can try, but if those don’t work, you will definitely want to find some pain relief. Pearl Chemist has a variety of pain relief options for your cold symptoms and sore throat including sore throat medicinessore throat relief spray and Strepsils lozenges for your sore throat.

Remedies for Sore Throat:
If you have a sore throat there are a number of home remedies you can try for relief:

  • Gargle with warm salt water
  • Push fluids, water, tea with honey or even warm water with honey are excellent
  • Eat cool and soft foods
  • Stop smoking and avoid smoky places/air

These remedies can be helpful to soothe a temporary sore throat. Usually, you don’t need to have antibiotics because home remedies and over the counter pain relief should be enough to relieve your pain. However, if your throat is swollen severely, has white spots on the back or you have a severe sore throat and a fever, you may want to see your GP as you could have a throat infection that may require antibiotics.

Your sore throat and cold symptoms may also come with additional symptoms such as body aches, stuffy nose and fatigue. In that event, you can do a few simple things for your symptoms.   

Stuffy nose:  you can add moisture to the air in the room you sleep in by using a vaporizer or humidifier. This could help to loosen your congestion.

Body aches: for this you can take hot baths and over the counter pain relief such as pain relief sprays or tablets. You can also find sore throat pain relief sprays specific to the throat that you can spray to relieve throat pain temporarily.  

Fatigue:  the only remedy for fatigue is rest. Fatigue is your body’s signal to go into sleep mode and engage in healing.  

No matter your symptoms, if your home remedies and over the counter remedies do not seem to be working, you should always contact your GP if you are worried. In the meantime, Pearl Chemist has all the remedies you need for a sore throat including sore throat relief spray and Strepsils lozenges for sore throat. Visit our website today for swift delivery directly to your door. www.pearlchemist.co.uk