Why Do I Cough More at Night

A cough is usually caused by the seasonal cold, the flu, or allergies. So, why is it that during the day when you’re out and about your cough is manageable and then after you lay down to go to sleep, coughs get worse and cause sleepless nights?

There are several reasons why, or at least why they seem to.

So, let's dive in and check out why we cough more at night when we have a cold or the flu.



The primary reason your cough worse at night is simple: gravity. When you lie down at nighttime to go to sleep, mucous begins to pool in the lungs and causes irritation and makes you cough.

Solution: Sleep with your head propped up with a pillow.

A Dry Indoor Environment 

Dry air can bother an already irritated nose and throat, making coughs worse at night.

Solution: Use a humidifier at night to add moisture back into the air and make it easier to breathe.


When your cough is keeping you up at night, here’s are some tips on how to stop coughing at night:

Use OTC Cough Medicine

Try NighttimeCold Cough & Flu medication that contains antihistamine, it will make you feel sleepy and stop postnasal drip and coughing.

· Beechams Flu Plus Caplets 16S

· Metatone 300ML

· Benylin 4 Flu Tablets 24S

· Benadryl

· Use cough lozenges before you go to sleep to soothe and numb the throat.

Drink Warm Fluids

Be sure to drink plenty of warm fluids throughout the evening before bed to loosen and thin the mucous in your throat. Warm liquids like Lemsip Cold & Flu Lemon Sachets 5S, herbal tea (chamomile is good for sleep), or hot water with honey are calming and also soothe the throat and lungs.

Use Honey

Adding honey to warm drinks like tea or water or just taking a spoonful or two has been shown to have benefits in reducing coughing.

If you’re in need of cough relief so you can sleep better at night, visit any of your nearest Pearl Chemist Group pharmacies in the South London. Our qualified staff can help you find the best medication for your condition. You can also shop online and get the medicines delivered to your door conveniently.