Does Yoga Have Adverse Effects on Sexual Health?
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It may surprise you that spending time on the yoga mat can enhance your sex life. The reality is that your sexual health can greatly benefit from yoga practices and asanas that relax you, loosen the pelvic area, andboost your mood – applicable for both women and men.
If you’re wondering if yoga has adverse effects on sexual health, that is a resounding no! Yoga practice can only benefit your sexual health, here’s how and why.
The benefits of yoga for sexual health:
·Yoga relaxes the body and mind to make intimacy easier
·Studies show that yoga helps reduce premature ejaculation in men to extend pleasure for both partners
·Studies support sexual aid for women, including arousal, desire, lubrication, satisfaction, and more
·A yoga practice and certain positions can improve chronic pelvic pain and sexual function
·Any style of yoga can improve your sexual health
Whilst practicing yoga regularly can help you reduce stress and improve your performance in bed, it is important to seek medical help when needed.
How Can Pearl Chemist Group Sexual Health Clinic Help?
There are many ways to take charge of your sexual health and Pearl Chemist Group Sexual Health Services in Tooting can support you on your journey to sexual wellness. When using our Sexual Health Services in Earlsfield, you can feel confident that your sexual health needs are our number one priority!
What Are the Most Common Sexual Health Services?
Your sexual health is important which is why easy access to Sexual Health Services in the UK provides a valuable service to the community. Sexual Health Clinics in the UK provide affordable, accessible, and compassionate sexual health services to people in the UK. These services are available to everyone regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, or sexual orientation.
If you need Sexual Health Services in London, Pearl Chemist Group provide you with confidential advice, guidance, and information on all matters relating to sexual health.
Visit PCG for Sexual Health Services in Wimbledon, Epsom, Tooting, Wimbledon, Earlsfield, and any of our other South London branches.
PCGs Sexual Health Services in Epsom, and throughout London are carried out by a multi-disciplinary team of experienced doctors, health advisors, nurses, and pharmacists.
Sexual health services include:
·Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs)
·HIV testing
·eCard Scheme - free condoms for young people
·Chlamydia screening
·Pregnancy tests
·Various forms of contraception
·Emergency contraception/morning-after pill.
·General sexual health advice, counselling, and support
Visit our clinic or call us to arrange a confidential consultation Sexual Health Services in Streatham, (or at a PCG branch nearest you) where we can discuss all your concerns and queries.
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