Healthy Habits to Replace Smoking

Making the decision to stop smoking is a great step forward. But there’s no doubt that the journey to quitting cigarettes can be very challenging. Now that you’ve stopped smoking, you need to replace smoking with healthy new habits to improve your chances of quitting smoking for good.

Here are five simple tips for replacing smoking with healthy habits.

5 Healthy Habits To Replace Cigarettes and Help You Stop Smoking

When you stop smoking, it’s common to find it strange having nothing to do with your hands or mouth at first. Here are some healthy habits you can use and activities you can do to replace smoking.

You need to:

1. Change Your Routine.

If you are accustomed to smoking right after your morning coffee or after dinner, go for a walk or clean up the kitchen instead.

2. Replace Your Cigarettes with NRT Products

Use Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) techniques such as nicotine patches, gum, or vape pens to curb nicotine withdrawal and cravings.

3. Keep Busy

If you have too much time on your hands, the cravings for cigarettes may get the best of you. Stay busy doing errands, exercising, cleaning the house, or visiting with friends to keep your mind off of cigarettes.

4. Use A Substitute

When the urge hits to smoke, put something else in your mouth like sugarless gum, hard candy, sunflower seeds, straws and coffee stirrers, or crunchy raw vegetables. It is not uncommon for people to gain weight when they stop smoking, because they are reaching for unhealthy and calorie-packed snacks to distract them from smoking. So be mindful about the snacks you reach for when cravings kick in.

5. Enlist Help from Family and Friends

Instead of trying to stop smoking all alone, schedule time with friends and family to keep you busy, get support, and get your mind off of smoking.

Pearl Chemist Group Stop Smoking Aids Will Help You Quit

With over 22 branches in South London, Pearl Chemist Group offers a variety of private and NHS Programmes and Stop Smoking aids in London to give you the support and tools you need to say goodbye to cigarettes forever!

Want To Quit Smoking? 

It’s no secret that trying to quit smoking alone can be extremely challenging. If you want to stop smoking, check out our PCG Stop Smoking aids in Epsom, Banstead, Earlsfield for the most comprehensive and effective programmes to help you stop smoking.