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vitamins & suppliments

  1. The Benefits of Amino Acid Supplements for Ageing Adults

    The Benefits of Amino Acid Supplements for Ageing Adults

    As we gracefully navigate the journey of life, the role of essential amino acids becomes increasingly crucial in sustaining vitality, promoting longevity, and maintaining overall health.

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  2. The Power of Antioxidants: How They Protect Your Health

    The Power of Antioxidants: How They Protect Your Health?

    Antioxidants, the superheroes in the realm of health, play a pivotal role in safeguarding our well-being. In a world bombarded by pollutants, stress, and processed foods, these compounds act as a shield, defending our cells from oxidative stress and its harmful effects.

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  3. Exploring Role of  Vitamin C in Preventing Common Colds

    Exploring Role of Vitamin C in Preventing Common Colds

    As the seasons change, the quest for effective strategies to ward off common colds intensifies, with Vitamin C emerging as a key player in the defense against these viral infections.

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  4. Can Vitamin C Help Manage Stress

    Can Vitamin C Help Manage Stress?

    Our daily life is full of stress. From work to relationships and financial crisis, we are surrounded by stress triggers all day long.  Did you know that vitamin C can help manage stress? In this article, we’ll explore the relationship between stress and the benefits of vitamin C.

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  5. Why Is Vitamin C Important During the Flu Season

    Why Is Vitamin C Important During the Flu Season?

    As we head into flu season, now is the time to boost your immune system by taking Vitamin C health supplements, eating a vitamin C-rich diet,and taking as many preventative measures as you can to prevent getting the seasonal flu.

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  6. Top 7 Calcium-Rich Foods for Strong and Healthy Bones

    Top 7 Calcium-Rich Foods for Strong and Healthy Bones

    Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of calcium-rich foods is only one of the most important building blocks for healthy bones. You need sufficient calcium in your diet to prevent calcium deficiency and support good bone health.

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  7. How Can You Fix Iron Deficiency

    How Can You Fix Iron Deficiency?

    Iron is an essential mineral that is crucial for the body to function properly. Yet, due to dietary restrictions or certain medical conditions, you may not be getting enough iron in your diet and may need to take iron supplements to prevent (or treat) iron deficiency.

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  8. What are 10 Foods High in Iron

    What are 10 Foods High in Iron?

    Iron is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health. It is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout our bodies and supporting various bodily functions.

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  9. What Are 5 Health Benefits of Vitamin E

    What Are 5 Health Benefits of Vitamin E?

    Vitamin E is an essential vitamin that provides many health benefits. Vitamin E benefits include exceptional antioxidant properties, enhanced vision and immune function, as well as preventing conditions like heart disease.

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  10. What Are the Main Causes Of Iron Deficiency Anaemia

    What Are the Main Causes Of Iron Deficiency Anaemia?

    We all have days when we have low energy, and we just can’t deal with our daily responsibilities and all the things we have to get done. But if you have feelings of exhaustion that you just can't shake, you might be suffering from iron deficiency anaemia.

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